#2. The political economy of militarism and neoliberalism in the Syrian conflict with Omar Dahi

The second episode of our Podcast “Syria, Alternative Dialogues” is online. You can listen to it through the link below and find it on Spotify, Castro, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Musik, Google Podcasts and Overcast.

English Version: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2037022/11267653-2
Arabic Version: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2037022/11399197-2

The neoliberal project was promoted globally as a realm that increases freedom that supposedly unshackles the individual from the constraints of the state. But in reality, It went from merely an economic policy to politics that work hand in hand with militarism and securitisation to privatise and sell social services for profits everywhere, including Syria. 


Omar Dahi: Professor of economics at Hampshire college in the USA and researcher with the Syrian Center for Policy Research.

Rabie Nasser: Economist, researcher and co-founder of the Syrian Center for Policy Research (SCPR).

Episode Producers: Adriana Qubaiova, Houda F. Jawadi, Klaudia Wieser

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