#0: Profiling the Alternative Dialogues

The first episode of our Podcast “Syria, Alternative Dialogues” is online. You can listen to it through the link below and find it on. Spotify, Castro, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Musik, Google Podcasts and Overcast

English Version: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2037022/11177575-0
Arabic Version: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2037022/11188758-0

This episode discusses the objectives of the podcast, which are: making the process of producing knowledge more accessible to the Arab world and discussing the importance of investments in integrative networks & interrelations among researchers and knowledge production institutions on the regional and global levels. 

Rabie Nasser:Economist, researcher and co-founder of the Syrian Center for Policy Research (SCPR).
Bassam Haddad:Director of the Middle East and Islamic Studies Program and Associate Professor at the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University.
Omar Dahi: Professor of economics at Hampshire college in the USA and the project director of Security in Context.

Episode Producers: Adriana Qubaiova, Houda Fansa Jawadi, Klaudia Wieser

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